Srinivasa Prasad B.V

Dr. Srinivasa Prasad B.V

22 + Years Experience
Visits :
Apoorva - Jayanagar

About Dr. Srinivasa Prasad B.V

Dr. Srinivasa Prasad B V, is highly qualified, trained and renowned cardiologist, practicing at Fortis Hospital, BG Road, Bangalore and Apoorva Superspeciality Medical Centre, Jayanagar, Bangalore . After his MBBS, he did his MD (internal medicine) from premier institute - PGIMER, Chandigarh. And later he did his DM (Cardiology) from SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram - another premier institute of national importance. He further did his fellowship in Interventional Cardiology. He has also received advanced training for structural heart interventions at University Hospital S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy and University Hospital of Amsterdam, Netherland. He also holds a fellowship from SCAI - FSCAI (USA).

Clinic Name : Apoorva

Clinic Address :

180, Ground Floor, Kyaswar Mansion, 16th Main, 4th T Block East, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560041

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